rpv is a deep tech venture fund focused on early stage, scientifically intensive ventures.

The purpose of rpv is to drive tangible advancements in the well-being of humankind.

We do so by supporting outstanding people and providing them with capital, network, and expertise. We help scientists, entrepreneurs, and investors create value.

Our value system is based on two pillars: rigorous scientific method and strong ethical standards.

Our team is composed of reputable scientists, serial entrepreneurs and investment professionals. Our key areas of scientific expertise are Neuroscience, New Energy, Lasers, Additive Manufacturing and Advanced Materials

Teams We’ve Funded

Sanmai Technologies

Sanmai is a neuromodulation device aspiring to address direct neurological causes of diseases such as depression, anxiety, and seizures. Sanmai is led by a serial entrepreneur and neuroscientist with strong co-founding scientists. This team has been the pioneer of that type of neuromodulation.


Launchpad is building local, self- programming factories, enabled by AI. They are ~5 times more cost-effective and ~10 times quicker than established competition. Led by a seasoned entrepreneur with a successful exit. Launchpad has $2.4m in contracted revenue and has already received >$300K of it.


Humanity Neurotech has developed a non- invasive way to manage brain inflammation. They induce Mitohormesis via frequently oscillating magnetic fields of a specific waveform. Applications are vast: from healing the consequences of long COVID or concussion to curing Glioblastoma and Alzheimer.


Someone in the world develops dementia every 3 seconds, resulting in more than 10 million new cases annually. ViewMind’s test costs $500, takes 15 minutes, is noninvasive, and extremely precise. Viewmind has created an affordable, quick and safe pre-screening for cognitive decline. ViewMind’s SOM is $6B.


PhotonVault is adding waste (or renewable sources) heat to amplify the energy storage output beyond what was taken from the grid. They are in advanced negotiations with Nucor - largest steel producer in North America. Led by Kent McCormick - PhD in Physics and an entrepreneur with a $140m exit.


Explainable AI enables legal accountability and overall trust between humans and AI. For Adam & Eva, explainability comes from the symbolic nature of their model, which also demands 700 times less compute than traditional LLMs. Led by Sergey Shumsky - one of the leading AI researchers in Israel and an entrepreneur with successful exits.